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  • Emergency Dental Care
  • August 25, 2023
  • by lotus

The wisdom teeth are known as the third set of molars and they are the last teeth in your mouth to erupt. Following your dentist’s post-surgical care instructions can help to reduce wisdom teeth swelling and manage side effects. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect after wisdom teeth surgery and what you need to watch out for in terms of a dental emergency.

Why The Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?

Many people need to have their wisdom teeth removed because they present with problems. They may only erupt partially and cause dental decay. They may erupt sideways, or there may not be enough space in your jaw by the time they emerge.

Regular visits to your dentist when you are in your late teens and early twenties can monitor the emergence of your wisdom teeth and detect any potential problems early on. Early intervention can make a major difference to the other teeth in your mouth, especially if decay is present. Having your wisdom teeth removed can prevent tooth loss and infection from turning into gum disease.

Not everyone has problematic wisdom teeth. In some people the wisdom teeth can erupt without any problems. In these instances, they can be left alone and don’t require wisdom teeth surgery.

What Circumstances Require Wisdom Teeth To Be Extracted?

The presence of an infection, pain or swelling can indicate that your wisdom teeth should be extracted. Your dentist will inspect your mouth and take x-rays if he or she suspects your wisdom teeth to be problematic. 

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Wisdom Tooth Infection?

Wisdom tooth infections are typified by:

  • Inflammation and pain in the gums
  • Swelling
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Fever
  • Swelling of the gums at the back of the mouth
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes under the jaw
What To Expect From Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Wisdom teeth surgery is generally performed under local anaesthetic, to manage pain and discomfort. Once the anaesthetic wears off however, you may expect some mild discomfort. Despite what popular movies may have you think, not everyone swells up like a chipmunk after their wisdom teeth have been removed, but some degree of wisdom teeth swelling may occur.

Some of the more common side effects of wisdom tooth extractions include

Bruising, Tenderness And Light Bleeding

Once your wisdom teeth have been extracted you will be given a piece of gauze to bite down on.

The pressure of biting down is usually sufficient to curb any bleeding but you might experience some light bleeding when you brush your teeth. 

Some tenderness can also be expected, particularly if the wisdom teeth were difficult to extract. Any pain or discomfort should improve in the days following your surgery but if you feel new or worsening pain, it could indicate an infection, which is a dental emergency, especially if accompanied by a fever. This should be reported to your dentist straight away. 

How To Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling?

Keeping your head elevated and using a cold compress against the outside of your cheeks can manage swelling after your surgery. Remember not to hold the ice against your gum directly, but rather on the outside of your cheek. Any swelling accompanied by pus or swelling that gets worse could be a sign of a dental emergency and should be reported to your dentist immediately.

You can do your part to heal and recover quickly and safely by

  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco
  • Not touching the surgical site with your tongue or fingers
  • Keeping your mouth clean by rinsing with a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt
Signs Of A Dental Emergency

Your symptoms should improve in the three days after your wisdom tooth extraction. If you experience any of the following side effects, it could indicate an infection is present and you should seek immediate dental assistance:

  • Worsening swelling around the site of the infection
  • Increase in bleeding
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • A fever
  • Bad breath

Intense and deep rooted pain at the site of the extraction could indicate dry socket, a condition that occurs when the blood clot is dislodged.

How To Recover From A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Following the advice of your dentist is the most effective way to ensure that you recover quickly after your wisdom teeth have been removed. Make sure you get enough rest, eat soft foods and stay well hydrated. Any signs of complications or any concerns you may have should be reported to your dental practitioner.

Do you have questions or concerns about wisdom teeth swelling? It’s always best to seek professional advice. Please contact us for an appointment: (03) 8737 9359.