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  • Wisdom Teeth Removal
  • March 31, 2020
  • by lotus

1 What Are The Wisdom Teeth?
2 What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
3 What Are The Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
4 How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?
5 What Is The Cost Of Wisdom Teeth Removal?
6 Will Health Insurance Cover My Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?
7 Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Worth The Investment?
8 What Can You Expect From A Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure?

If you’ve been told that you need to have your wisdom teeth extracted, you probably want to know a bit more about wisdom teeth removal cost. The cost of your wisdom teeth removal is very variable, and dependant on your personal circumstances. Even so, we have managed to find some averages, to give you a ballpark idea of what you can expect to pay for this procedure. Let’s take a closer look at the wisdom tooth extraction procedure.

What Are The Wisdom Teeth?

While they certainly won’t you smarter, wisdom teeth come in last, once the jaw has developed, usually between the ages of 18 and 25. They serve the function of a third set of molars at the back of the mouth, but in the majority of cases, they can present with problems and may need to be removed.

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth do not erupt from the gum straight. Instead, they present at an angle, or horizontally. They can cause crowding in the mouth as well as infection and decay. If left untreated the infection may cause the formation of cysts.

Straight teeth are not just aesthetically pleasing, they are also easier to keep clean, and thus easier to manage in terms of decay and infection control.

It’s worth noting that not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. If your wisdom teeth are not presenting with any problems, there is no need to extract them.

What Are The Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Sometimes it is possible to be asymptomatic, in which case a dental x-ray would pick up the position and angle of your wisdom teeth. In many cases, the following symptoms may be present

  • Sore, swollen or tender gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

The only way to know what your wisdom teeth removal will cost is to consult with your dentist. Your dental practitioner will assess you, and take some x-rays of the position of your wisdom teeth before recommending a course of treatment. The final cost will be based on variables such as

  • The number of teeth to be extracted
  • The type of anaesthetic used

What Is The Cost Of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

According to figures cited on, based on the figures obtained through their National dental fee survey, your wisdom teeth removal cost can reach upwards of $500 per tooth or $2322 for the procedure using local anaesthetic. In the event that you require a general anaesthetic, you can expect to pay between $1500 and $3000 per tooth. cites similar figures for wisdom tooth extractions, citing $400 per tooth for wisdom tooth extractions using a local anaesthetic, and up to $3000 per tooth for wisdom tooth extractions making use of general anaesthetic.

More difficult or time-consuming wisdom tooth extractions may cost more. The majority of wisdom tooth extractions can be carried out by a dentist, but if you require the assistance of a specialist this will also influence your overall cost.

It is also cheaper to have your wisdom teeth removal done in the major cities than it is in rural areas.

Will Health Insurance Cover My Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?

Your wisdom teeth removal cost is only likely to be covered by health insurance if you have a high level of extras cover. Wisdom teeth removal surgery is considered major dental work and is often excluded in general health insurance policies.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Worth The Investment?

Your wisdom teeth should only be removed is they present with problems. If you don’t remove them early you run the risk of allowing unnecessary complications to occur. This can make your extraction more costly, and take you longer to recover from.

Wisdom teeth that haven’t erupted from the gum, or have only partially erupted, can cause pressure on the jaw bone. In time this can lead to crowding and crooked teeth.

It’s also best to extract wisdom teeth at the first signs of a problem, which is generally when you are younger. When you get older, your risk factors increase for surgery and your healing and recovery time takes longer.

What Can You Expect From A Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure?

In a straightforward case, having your wisdom teeth extracted is very similar to any other kind of extraction and is generally over quite quickly. Don’t forget to follow your dentist’s post-operative care instructions.

If you’d like to find out more about wisdom teeth removal cost, it’s best to speak to us about a professional evaluation. Please give us a call: (03) 8737 9359.