Enhance Your Smile with Facial Injectables in Sunbury

If you’ve ever thought about having facial injectables in Sunbury then look no further than Lotus Smiles Dental. Our highly experienced dentist, Dr Sharon Chui excels in cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers, helping to smooth away skin wrinkles and fine lines, contour your lips, and generally rejuvenate your skin, giving you a more youthful, natural, and radiant appearance. We know you’re going to love the subtle but effective results that she achieves.

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What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing but fine lines beneath the eyes, crow’s feet, and wrinkles on the forehead can also be caused by the muscles that are used when you smile and squint. Unfortunately, being out and about in the Sunbury sunshine only adds to the problem.

While we can’t turn back the clock, what we can do is to slow down the signs of ageing with anti-wrinkle treatments. This highly sought-after treatment is popular with men and women looking to retain a youthful look and is

  • Non-Permanent
  • Non-Surgical and,
  • Non-Invasive

Most importantly, when carried out by an experienced Sunbury dental professional, the results look so natural that no-one will know for sure that you’ve had treatment done.

Botulinum toxin has been used since the early 1970’s when it was found that the toxin had the ability to reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Our Sunbury dentist uses a very fine needle to inject the toxin, so you’ll feel just the gentlest of pricks as the needle enters the skin. Most patients are able to tolerate the procedure but if you’re particularly sensitive we can apply a topical anaesthetic gel first. Several injections will be given into the area you’re most bothered about, such as frown lines between the brows.

Anti-wrinkle injections work by blocking the signals between the muscles and the nerves, which causes the muscles to relax and soften in appearance. Lines are visibly reduced, and your skin can take on a more youthful look.

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Facial injectables Sunbury – the procedure

All of our facial injectables begin with a consultation. Our professional team will carry out a full facial assessment to ascertain if you’re a suitable candidate. If it’s decided that non-surgical facial rejuvenation will be of benefit to you, we’ll use this opportunity to answer any of your concerns, explore the various options, and decide upon a personal treatment plan.

Immediately following the consultation, your treatment will begin. You’ll be pleased to know that it’s relatively straightforward and only takes a few minutes. Before you leave the clinic, we’ll give you comprehensive post treatment care advice.

Dermal fillers

If you’re concerned that your lips are too thin or lack definition, then Dr Sharon Chui can work wonders with dermal lip fillers. Lip injections in Sunbury or lip augmentations are frequently sought by men and women looking for fuller, plumper lips. So if you’ve recently had your teeth straightened and/or whitened, then lip injections can help to enhance your smile even further.

Dermal fillers are carried out in a similar manner to anti-wrinkle treatments using a fine needle. When injected into the lips, dermal fillers contour and shape to give an enviable pout. Our experienced dentist uses dermal fillers to enhance younger lips and volumise older lips.

Using safe, tried, and tested dermal fillers, our experienced team will advise you on the most suitable treatments for addressing your specific concerns, helping you to achieve natural, beautiful, long lasting results.

So, if you’re looking for ‘dermal fillers near me’ then why not book a consultation for lip injections or facial injectables in Sunbury at Lotus Smiles Dental. Our professional dental team promise great looking results that will have your friends wondering how you manage to look so naturally good.

Call us today on (03) 8732 7377 and take the first steps to a younger looking and more radiant you.